Problem Solution for Media Creation Tool Error

To connect your computer to Windows 10 we recommend that you use the Media Creation Tool from Microsoft. Not only can you easily create a bootable USB, but you can also upgrade Windows for free. 7 / 8.1 at Windows 10 to do this. This has the advantage that all your saved data is not deleted and is still available on the computer.

Should the Creation Tool However, if it does not function properly, it may be blocked by the firewall or your installed antivirus programme. Therefore, switch off both services for a short time.
Since each antivirus programme is individual, you would have to check directly with the manufacturer how to proceed. However, we will be happy to help you with the firewall and show you how to switch off the firewall. Firewall erlauben can.

Please also check that your system is up to date and that all updates are installed.

Also play it safe and look in the Systemsteuerung check whether the correct time and date is set on the PC. Deviations can lead to problems.

In some cases, it may also help if you have a neues Administrator Konto erstellen and then try again.

You can also try a command prompt. To do this, go to the Windows icon at the bottom left and type "CMD" on your keyboard. The search result is then displayed at the top, which in this case is the "Command Prompt". Then select the subcategory "Run as administrator".Unbenannt-1.png

Then enter the following commands in turn and confirm them each time with "Enter

"ipconfig/release"   "ipconfig/renew" and"ipconfig/flushdns".


However, if you have any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support. E-Mail schreiben

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