Uninstall Tool for Microsoft Office Mac

So that you can use your Office Paket install smoothly and without errors, it is important that there are no remnants of pre-installed Microsoft Office packages on your devices. These are usually very difficult to find or are a nuisance to uninstall. Therefore, the following tool is very useful to remove the remains from the device completely in a few simple steps.

You can find the download link for the tool in the e-mails of the product key and the order confirmation. 

Alternatively, you can remove the remains manually. You can find instructions for this here.

Info: Uninstalling the Office programmes does not remove your files/documents.


Step 1

Download the uninstall tool. Find out how to get to the download page here.




Step 2

Open the "Finder".





Step 3

Execute the file.Microsoft_Office_fu_r_Mac_Deinstallationstool_3.png



Step 4

Click on "Continue".


Step 5

Click on "Continue" again.


Step 6

Then click on "Accept".



Step 7

Select "Remove Microsoft Office completely" and click "Continue".


Step 8

Click on "Install".


Step 9

Wait until your Office is completely removed.


Step 10

Click on "Close".Microsoft_Office_fu_r_Mac_Deinstallationstool_10.png 


Now you can start the installation without any problems.

Here This will take you to the installation instructions for your Office Paket for the Mac.


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