Microsoft Office Installation Guide for MAC!

Folgend finden Sie die Installationsanleitung, um Ihr neu erworbenes Microsoft Office Paket erfolgreich zu installieren. Die Anleitung betrifft die Microsoft Office Pakete 20162019 und 2021 für den Mac. Da sich die Versionen unterscheiden, kann es minimale Veränderungen im Design geben. Lassen Sie sich jedoch davon nicht beirren, da der Prozess dennoch derselbe ist.

For this, it is assumed that there are no residues of other Microsoft Office Paketen on the computer, such as the pre-installed Microsoft Office 365here you will find detailed instructions on how to use all Microsoft Office Pakete to uninstall it completely. Alternatively, you can simplify it via this tool Uninstall.


Step 1

In the product key and order confirmation emails you will find the download link for the Office package. There you will find the installation files for the Office package.




Step 2

Now download Part 1 and then Part 2. You will find the downloaded files in the Downloads folder.





Step 3

Now install Part 1 on your device.




Step 4

Now click on Continue.





Step 5

Click Continue again in the following window.





Step 6

Now click on Install.





Step 7

The installation is now prepared. This may take a few minutes.





Step 8

Close the window after successful installation and carry out any pending updates.






Step 9

Repeat these steps for Part 2.




Step 10

As soon as the installation is complete, you have successfully activated your product and can use it without restrictions and permanently.



Your product has been successfully activated!

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