So that your Antiviren-Programm can be installed on your computer without any problems, all other Antiviren-Programme be uninstalled from the computer. Thus, only one antivirus software may be installed on your computer.
However, it can happen that residues remain on the computer when uninstalling. These often appear with the Avira antivirus program, especially the Avira Connect (launcher). However, with the following instructions, you can remove them quickly and easily.
Step 1
Click folgenden Link, to download the tool that will allow you to perform the complete uninstallation. You will be redirected to the Avira page, the tool will be downloaded automatically and save the file.
Step 2
Right-click the Start/Window icon at the bottom left of your screen and go to Explorer.
Step 3
Under the Download tab or folder you will then find the download file from the uninstall tool.
Step 4
Double-click the installation file to run the file and install the tool.
Step 5
Click Yes to allow changes to be made to your device so that the tool has permission to remove the remnants.
Step 6
Accept the license agreement and terms of use.
Step 7
Select Avira Connect (Launcher) and then click Remove.
The remains have now been removed and you can now start installing your new software program. Have fun with your new product!